
Jack Kerouac [Literatura]

1922 - N. o escritor e poeta americano Jack Kerouac (M.1969), pseudónimo de Jean-Luis Lebris de Kerouac. Foi o líder e porta-voz da Beat Generation. Na sua busca pela libertação espiritual escreveu a sua melhor obra, de carácter autobiográfico, On the Road (1957).

"I stuck my head out of the window and took deep breaths of the fragrant air. It was the most beautiful of all moments. The madman was a brakeman with the Southern Pacific and he lived in Fresno; his father was also a brakeman. He lost his toe in the Oakland yards, switching, I didn't quite understand how. He drove me into buzzing Fresno and let me off by the south side of town. I went for a quick Coke in a little grocery by the tracks, and here came a melancholy Armenian youth along the red boxcars, and just at that moment locomotive howled, and I said to myself, Yes, yes, Saroyan town." in On the Road

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